

Natholi : 250gms
Coconut : 2cups
Small onion : 6 to 8nos
Green chilly : 3 to 4
Ginger chopped : 1 tsp
Curry leaves : 2 stalks
Kudampuli or Kokum: 3 cloves
Turmeric powder : 1 tsp
Chilly powder : 1 tsp
Coriander powder : 1/2 tsp
Salt : To taste
Oil : 1 tbs (preferably coconut oil)
Water : 3/4 cup

In an earthen pan(currychatty) or kadai put the cleaned fish (you can use any big fishes like tuna (choora) and seer fish (neymeen) without thorn. Add green chilly chopped vertically, 1 stalk curry leaves, chopped ginger, salt and kudampuli (If you have raw mango then put 1 cup mango cut into 1 inch long pieces instead of kudampuli. Use mango is depending upon its sour). Keep it aside.

Next, to make the coconut mixture proceed the following.
For coconut mixture we use 2 cups coconut grated , small onion, turmeric powder, 1 stalk curry leaves , chilly powder, coriander powder. Crush all the ingredient . Don't make it fine paste. Add mixture with water into the fish and mix it well. Close it with a lid. Keep it on high flame for 3 minutes, another 6 minutes in medium flame and finally 3 minutes in low flame. You should shake the pan gently in between, don't stir it hard. Put off fire and pour oil. (it is not necessary)
You can serve it with rice or kappa.


yugu said...

It's Makes me Feel Hungry!!!